Safeguarding Policy

Purpose of this Policy

The policy lays out the 100mentors and Bizrupt commitment to ensure the safety and protection of all children and young people who participate in its programmes and activities.

1. Scope of this policy

  • All staff and representatives of 100mentors and Bizrupt must act in accordance with this policy in both their professional and personal lives, without exception.
  • This includes:
  • All 100mentors and Bizrupt staff, including those on contracts such as consultants, trainers and researchers
  • Trustees, volunteers, and interns

The staff and representatives of partner agencies, or any other individuals, groups, or organisations with a formal/contractual relationship with 100mentors and Bizrupt that brings them into contact with children and young people

Donors, supporters, journalists, celebrity ambassadors, and others who may come into contact with children and young people through their involvement with the Get Hired programme or its partners, must act in accordance with this policy whilst visiting programmes or offices or engaging in campaigns or events

2. Legislative and regulatory framework

100mentors & Bizrupt are committed to following law and guidance that seeks to protect and promote the safety and wellbeing of children and young people, namely:

  • UN Convention of the Rights of the Child 1991
  • The Greek legislation

3. Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy rules

3.1 No staff member or other representatives must have sexual intercourse or engage in any sexual activity with anyone under 18 years of age, regardless of the age of consent locally. Mistaken belief in the age of a child is not a defence.

3.2 All staff and representatives must act in line with this Safeguarding Policy and the 100mentors, Bizrupt & Get Hired Code of Conduct which ensures that the protection and promotion of the safety and wellbeing of children, young people and other vulnerable groups is prioritised at all times.

3.3 100mentors & Bizrupt shall recruit staff and volunteers safely, ensuring all necessary checks are in place prior to working with children and young people.

3.4 All staff and volunteers must undertake training, appropriate to their position. This training must include clear guidelines on working safely with children and young people.

4. Reporting safeguarding concerns and allegations

We maintain robust and effective arrangements for protecting and promoting the safety and wellbeing of children and young people participating in our programmes or activities. We follow our Code of Conduct and have created three different channels of incident reporting: (1) mobile phone number dedicated to the needs of the project, (2) online form which the Project Manager receives and (3) dedicated email ( which the Project Manager receives. We communicate these channels to young participants at the beginning of every programme.

We ensure that members of our staff, volunteers and other representatives do not engage in any form of sexual, physical, emotional abuse, exploitation, harm or neglect against children or young people participating in programmes or activities, and have been provided with suitable guidance on how to work safely with children and young people. Every staff member reads and complies with our Code of Conduct and Safeguarding Policy, while we inform every trainer or volunteer via email about our Code of Conduct requiring their consent to it.

We ensure that we comply with any national or regional laws and regulations that promote and protect the safety and wellbeing of children and young people.

We maintain and promote effective channels for staff, volunteers, and other representatives to report any safeguarding concerns or allegations, including arrangements for whistleblowing. We have created three different channels of incident reporting: (1) mobile phone number dedicated to the needs of the project, (2) online form which the Project Manager receives and (3) dedicated email ( which the Project Manager receives.

We maintain and promote effective channels for children and young people to report any safeguarding concerns or allegations. We have created three different channels of incident reporting: (1) mobile phone number dedicated to the needs of the project, (2) online form which the Project Manager receives and (3) dedicated email ( which the Project Manager receives.

We have a specific process for reporting specific safeguarding concerns and allegations to the King’s Trust International in line with the King's Trust Incident Management Plan. The Project Manager is responsible for informing the International Project Manager of the King's Trust International and both partners (100mentors and Bizrupt) when any incident arises. Subsequently, they decide whether to report to the authorities or take furtheρ action.

Code of Conduct

For 100mentors, Bizrupt and Get Hired

100mentors, Bizrupt and Get Hired’s work is based on deeply held values and principles.

Our Vision is that every young person should have the chance to succeed.

Our Mission is to support young people to gain the confidence and skills to live, learn and dream.

Our Core Values, which underpin everything we do, are to be:

  • Approachable - we are open-minded and value diversity
  • Non-judgemental - we focus on the potential, not the past
  • Inspiring - we lead by example
  • Empowering - we enable positive change
  • Passionate - we are absolutely committed to supporting young people

Our Values articulate who we are and how we work together to achieve our aims to help young people. If any of us fails to act in a way that is consistent with our values and principles, we fail as an organisation and we fail the children and young people we aim to support.

The Code of Conduct provides clear guidance on what we expect of our employees, trainers, volunteers and other representatives, as well as providing examples of conduct that will always be unacceptable. It is the responsibility of us all to ensure our behaviour is consistent with this Code.

As an employee, trainer, volunteer or representative of the Get Hired programme, we are expected to promote its values and principles and protect its reputation by:

  • working actively to protect children and young people by complying with Safeguarding policy and procedures, Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions of Get Hired Services and all supporting guidance.
  • respecting the basic rights of others by acting fairly, honestly and sensitively, and by treating people with dignity and respect, in line with the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use of Get Hired.
  • challenging or preventing harassment, intimidation or discrimination.
  • complying with Get Hired’s policies and reporting any incidents’ relating to bribery, corruption, money laundering, fraud, theft, terrorism or modern slavery.
  • maintaining high standards of personal and professional conduct.
  • registering any relevant gifts or hospitality received (or given) in accordance to Get Hired’s policy and procedures.
  • notifying managers of any potential conflicts of interest.
  • protecting the safety and well-being of yourself and others.
  • protecting the organisation’s assets and resources.
  • working with our partners to ensure that, equivalent standards of safeguarding and dignity and respect are in place.
  • reporting any matter that breaks the standards contained in this Code of Conduct.
  • taking complaints seriously and ensuring they are properly investigated.

Get Hired expects the highest standard of personal and professional behaviour from all employees, trainers, volunteers and representatives working with and for them. All are expected to adhere to the requirements contained in the Code of Conduct and the Safeguarding Policy. In line with international standards, this means we will not tolerate the following:

  • engaging in sexual relations with anyone under the age of 18, or abuse or exploit a child or young person in any way. Children are defined as anyone under the age of 18 wherever you are working.
  • encouraging or receiving sex or sexual favours in exchange for goods or services, food, employment or offers of employment, or money.
  • drinking alcohol whilst working or use any other substances in a way that adversely affects your ability to do your job or affects the reputation of Get Hired.
  • being in possession of, or profiting from the sale of, illegal goods or substances.
  • accepting bribes or significant gifts from governments, beneficiaries, donors, suppliers or others, which have been offered as a result of your employment.
  • undertaking business for the supply of goods or services to Get Hired with family, friends or personal contacts or use Get Hired assets for personal benefit.
  • behaving in a way which threatens the security of ourselves or others
  • using the organisation’s computer or other equipment to view, download, create or distribute inappropriate material, such as pornography.
  • harassment, intimidation, discrimination or putting pressure on others to discriminate.
  • any behaviour that brings Get Hired or our partner organisations into disrepute.

The Code of Conduct and Safeguarding Policy are subject to review and change at the discretion of the Get Hired. Failure to meet the requirements set out in any of these, or related, documents may result in disciplinary action, including dismissal in some cases. See appendix 1 for the reporting process.

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